Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Talk to Little Girls

I just read an eye-opening article on A Cup of Jo that "encourages adults to ask little girls about ideas and books, instead of complimenting their looks." It's so true. My first instinct is usually to compliment a little girl on how cute they look. I never realized I did that, or thought about what sort of impact it has on them. Check out Jo's post on How to Talk to Little Girls. What are your thoughts?


  1. 2 girls?? Holy cow! You're going to have your hands full!! I'm so excited for you guys!

    And about Joanna's post - I completely agree. We try to get the most of our girls in the family and I always have my littlest niece read to me now whenever I'm around her. It's pretty awesome.

  2. awwww congrats!!! that's soo exciting!!!!

  3. i've read about this recently and i agree. i think a good balance is a good idea! nothing wrong with being smart and pretty right?
    xx ~ k
