Monday, November 14, 2011

Baby Bump Progression...I'm SO behind!

Bi-weekly progression update 

I'm currently 32 weeks and quite a wee bit behind on my "bi-weekly" photos. We've converted our guest bedroom into the nursery.  We moved the guest bed to our basement study, painted the walls a lovely, light gray, and added 2 cribs, a shelf, a dresser, and a glider.  Now all the walls are taken and there's nowhere for me to take my weekly photos.  So here's one from Week 27 in front of a crib (Don't mind my messy hair.  I think I just woke up from a nap.)  I just entered the 3rd trimester (in that photo.)  Yippee! 

So I just started Month 8 this week.  I can't believe I only have a few weeks to go.  I've been seeing my OB every 2 weeks for awhile now.  She just told me I also need to start going to the hospital to get a Non-Stress Test every week from now on.  Oh dear...  I think I may have felt my first Braxton Hick's on Saturday.  My stomach got really tight and there was a shooting pain that went down one of my legs.  It reminded me of my period cramps back in high school.  It happened 3 times within a 15-20 minute span.  Is that what Braxton Hick's feels like??


  1. I think BH feels different for everyone. My daughter was breech, so right as a BH was about to happen I could feel a tightening right under my rib cage. It almost made me feel short of breath. Then, I'd notice my whole tummy would tighten. They were painless for me, though.

  2. awwwwwwwwww
    how cute is this!
    its so cute how big it is now!

    =) i am so exited for you!

    My friend Summer and I
    are hosting a Secret Santa
    Blogger Style! I would love
    for you to be a part of it!

    stop by my blog and join us!

    If you can please help us
    spread the word i would really
    appreciate it !!

